ToggleDog breeds 犬種
Labrador Retriever ➩拉布拉多犬
Golden Retriever ➩黃金獵犬
Dalmatian ➩大麥町犬
Beagle ➩米格魯
Yorkshire Terrier ➩約克夏
Schnauzer ➩雪納瑞
Siberian Husky ➩哈士奇
Maltese ➩馬爾濟斯
Dachshund ➩臘腸犬
German Shepherd ➩德國狼犬
Shibu Inu ➩柴犬
Akita ➩秋田犬
Old English Sheepdog ➩古代牧羊犬
Chinese Shar-Pei ➩沙皮狗
Welsh-Corgi ➩柯基
Bichon Frise ➩比熊犬
Tibetan Mastiff ➩藏獒
Bulldog ➩鬥牛犬
Bull terrier ➩牛頭梗
Pug ➩巴哥狗
Boxer ➩拳師狗
Poodle ➩貴賓狗
Pomerarian ➩博美犬
Mix ➩米克斯(混種犬)
- 寵物的英文是Pet,養寵物則是Keep a pet
- 幼犬是Puppy,除此之外,狗還有很多種專業技能犬,例如Guide dog 導盲犬、Drug-sniffing dog 緝毒犬、Police dog 警犬、Stray dog/Street dog 流浪犬
- 動物的特殊用語有: Fur 動物毛髮、 Paws 動物腳爪
- 描述狗叫「汪汪」的狀聲詞,英文則是用: Bark 狗吠、ruff、woof
- 現代人常形容自己是單身狗,英文則是Damn single,Damn指的就是該死的、不好的意思
Dog idioms and slangs 狗相關的俚語俗諺
It’s a dog’s life➩跟狗一樣慘的生活
I am leading a dog’s life!
Raining cats and dogs ➩傾盆大雨
Look at the weather outside! It’s raining cats and dogs
Dog’s breakfast ➩一團混亂
Jim’s essay is a dog’s breakfast!
Love me,love my dog ➩愛屋及烏
If you want to be my girlfriend,you should also take care of my disabled brother. Just as the idiom says,“Love me,love my dog.”
Sick as a dog ➩病得不輕
After getting wet from the pouring rain,Joanne is sick as a dog right now.
A dog-eat-dog world ➩一個狗咬狗(自相殘殺、弱肉強食)的世界
With competitive market,it is a dog-eat-dog world for every company in this field.
Not have a dog’s chance of Ving. ➩沒有機會做某事
Since Andrew only studied for 10 minutes,he does not have a dog’s chance of passing the exam.
Every dog has its day ➩風水輪流轉
Dog does not eat dog ➩同類不相殘
Barking dogs never bite ➩虛張聲勢
Dialogs 對話
Are you a dog person? 你是愛狗人士嗎?
No,I am a cat person. 不是,我是愛貓人士
What is his/her name? 他叫什麼名子?
He’s name is Joseph. 他叫做Joesph
How old is your dog? 你的狗幾歲了?
She’s 7.他七歲了
What breed is your dog? 你的狗是什麼品種的?
He is a Bichon Frise. 他是比熊犬