A song of Ice and Fire is a series of an epic fantasy novel written by George R.R.Martin,who conceived of it as a trilogy. Today five of the seven volumes have beenpublished.
- Iron Throne 鐵王座
- Motto 家訓
- Declare war on/against 宣戰
- Come to power 掌權
- Battle for the crown 爭奪王位
- Winter is coming. 凜冬將至 (史塔克家族的家訓)
- Hear me roar 聽我怒吼 (蘭尼斯特家族的家訓)
- You know nothing,Jon Snow.
你極其無知、你什麼都不懂(這是用來罵瓊恩什麼都不懂,奇妙的是在書中這句是翻成:你懂個屁呀!) - The conflict started between the Starks and the Lannisters.
史塔克家族和蘭尼斯特家族間產生衝突。 - They conspired together to betray the hand of the king.
他們共同密謀,背叛國王首相。 - They kill the king to take power.
他們為掌權殺掉國王。 - Littlefinger tried to turn Sansa against her sister.
小指頭試圖慫恿珊莎與她妹妹反目成仇。 - So who is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne?
- I’m so hyped for tonight’s episode.好興奮今晚要播的影集!
- After this finale,I have to wait one year for the new season.
看完最後一集,我得等上一年才有新的一季。 - Boom! 看吧! (當你發現好的一方總是獲勝時,就可以撂下這句話!)
- I didn’t see that coming.
我完全沒想過會這樣、這是我始料未及的 - Did that just happen?
剛剛的事都是真的嗎? - It took me a while to register.
我剛剛才意識到 - I rewatched all the series!
What? Cersei lost roles for not flirting.
飾演瑟曦的琳娜‧海蒂 (Lena Headey) 在與梅西‧威廉斯 (Maisie Williams) 對談中,透露她曾經在試鏡中因不和對方調情而喪失演出。
- She said: “When I was in my twenties,and doing a lot of audition tapes in the States,a casting director told me: ‘The men take these tapes home and watch them and say,Who would you f*ck?’
琳娜‧海蒂公開這種莫名的潛規則 (Unspoken rules),也凸顯了女性在職場上的地位不平等。更別說最近出現已久的「Mansplaining」(直男癌說教、男性說教)。就連女星珍妮佛‧勞倫斯、臉書營運長雪柔‧桑德伯格都曾表示同工不同酬 (Gender pay gap)、女性領導就是強勢 (Strong、Aggressive、Pushy)等刻板印象。
- A woman has to say the same thing ten times,but a man says it once and everybody listens.
- Nicole and I worked for a small employment service firm and one complaint always came from our boss: She took too long to work with clients. As her supervisor,I considered this a minor nuisance at best. I figured the reason I got things done faster was from having more experience. So one day I’m emailing a client back-and- forth about his resume and he is just being IMPOSSIBLE. Rude,dismissive,ignoring my questions. Telling me his methods were the industry standards (they weren’t) and I couldn’t understand the terms he used (I could).
妮可和我在一家小型人力仲介公司工作,但我們的老闆總是抱怨她花太多時間處理客戶。身為她的上司,我頂多當作是小問題處理。我原以為自己做事效率較好是因為經驗豐富的關係。有一天我為了處理一位客戶的履歷,不斷跟他互相來信,他的反應實在不可理喻,他的態度無禮、輕視,還無視我的提問。只告訴我他的方法是業界標準 (明明不是),還用那些我聽不懂的術語 (我懂)。 - Anyway I was getting sick of his shit when I noticed something. Thanks to our shared inbox,I’d been signing all communications as “Nicole”.
正當我被他搞得身心俱疲時,我發現了一件事。感謝我用到了她的信箱,郵件上都是署名Nicole。 - By the time she could get clients to accept that she knew what she was doing,I couldget halfway through another client.
Game of Thrones data leak!
- Hackers claimed to have obtained 1.5 terabytes of data from the company. So far,an upcoming episode of Ballers and Room 104 have apparently been put online. There is also written material that’s allegedly from next week’s fourth episode of Game of Thrones. More is promised to be “coming soon.”
- I’d be more worried about an HBO hack that leaked user data,such as credit card info for payments through HBO Go.
我比較擔心HBO遭駭會洩漏使用者的資料,例如我們使用付費程式HBO Go時填入的信用卡資訊。