Size 尺寸
#Starbucks咖啡size是用義大利文的說法,而不是我們平常慣用的英文(Small,Medium,Large,Extra Large)喔!
Tall ➩中杯
Grande ➩ 大杯
Venti ➩特大杯
Trenta ➩比特大杯更大杯
* Venti和Trenta分別是義大利文中的20 twenty和30 thirty 的意思
Decaf ➩低咖啡因(Decaffeinated)的縮寫,也就是去除咖啡因的意思
Shots ➩濃縮咖啡(expresso)的計量單位,一個shot是一份,double shots為兩份,用來調整咖啡的濃淡
Syrup ➩糖漿
Milk ➩奶的類別,例如全脂奶 (whole milk)、低脂奶 (low-fat milk)、零脂奶(non-fat milk)、豆漿 (soy milk)
Custom ➩客制,全寫為Customized,客人的個人需求,例如少冰(less ice)
Drink ➩飲品名稱
Types 種類
Cappuccino ➩卡布奇諾
Mocha ➩摩卡
White chocolate mocha ➩白巧克力摩卡
Latte ➩拿鐵
Green tea latte ➩抹茶拿鐵
Caramel macchiato ➩焦糖瑪奇朵
Americano ➩美式咖啡
Frappuccino ➩星冰樂 簡稱Frap
Caramel Frappuccino ➩焦糖星冰樂
Vanilla bean Frappuccino ➩香草豆星冰樂
Others 其他相關單字
Mug ➩馬克杯
Tumbler ➩隨行杯
Whipped cream ➩奶油
Foam ➩奶泡
Sleeve ➩防熱套
Dialogues 實用對話
Customer: “ Hi. Can I get a grande salted caramel mocha Frap? “
客人: 嗨,可以給我一杯大杯海鹽焦糖摩卡星冰樂嗎?
“Do you want cream on top?”
Customer: “Hello,I would like a tall latte please.”
“OK. Anything to eat?”
“Um… A double-smoked bacon,cheddar and egg sandwich,thank you”
嗯..一個雙燻培根、切達起司蛋沙拉三明治 謝謝
Starbucks的成功是眾所皆知的,但是什麼樣的因素讓這原先只賣咖啡豆的小咖啡店,在50年間成為全球最大的連鎖咖啡店呢?Joseph Michelli 花了無數時間和Starbucks高階主管們探討,得出了五個關鍵因素,以下節錄:
(原文:Why Starbucks is so successful: 5 must have ingredients)
Create strategic alliances with your employee 與員工建立戰略聯盟
Starbucks consistently spends more on training that it does on advertising. They treat their teams with enough care and concern to inspire passion and creativity.
Starbucks 5 ways of being Starbucks的五種特質
Every partner is coached on embodying the Starbucks 5 ways of being, which creates a consistently fresh and delightful experience for patrons.
Be welcoming 歡迎的
Be genuine 真誠的
Be considerate 週到的
Be knowledgeable 知識淵博的
Be involved 參與的
Everything matters 每一件事情都很重要
This is referring to solid processes and procedures in daily operations. Starbucks puts an emphasis on consistency,even in the minute details. They take the mentality of nothing is trivial and our customers notice everything.
Embrace resistant 接受批評指教
When faced with customer complaints,there is an opportunity to actually turn that perceived negative into a head over heels positive. This is an opportunity to learn more about what you can do,how to become better and ultimately become closer to creating a great experience for the customer. Just listening is not enough,you must take action which shows the customers that their voices are heard,thus creating brand loyalty.