Daily supplies日常用品
Hand warmer ➪暖暖包
Heater ➪暖氣
Fireplace ➪壁爐
Sled ➪雪橇
Candle ➪蠟燭
Electric blanket ➪電熱毯
Thermos bottle ➪保溫瓶
Winter Clothing 冬天衣物
Thermal clothing ➪發熱衣
Coat ➪外套
Hoodies ➪帽T
Crewneck ➪大學T
Scarf ➪圍巾
Shawl ➪披肩
Sweater ➪毛衣
Boots ➪靴子
Down coat ➪羽絨衣
Gloves ➪手套
Earmuffs ➪耳罩
Winter weather 冬天氣候
Chilly ➪微寒的
Frosty ➪嚴寒的
Frostbite ➪凍傷
Blizzard ➪暴風雪
Snowsorm ➪暴風雪
Cold current ➪寒流
Cold wave ➪寒流
Seasonal Fun 冬天活動
Snowball fight ➪雪球戰
Snowman ➪雪人
Hot spring ➪溫泉
Hot pot ➪火鍋
Hockey ➪冰上曲棍球
Skiing ➪滑雪
Snowboarding ➪單板滑雪
Ice skating ➪溜冰
Winter Idioms 冬天俚語
*Put something on ice
意思是推遲某事情,先冷凍它、不動作。比如說 Put a project on ice,先暫時不繼續做這份研究報告的意思。
Let’s put this project on ice until we have more resources to work on it.
*Cold feet
形容一個人原本很有信心,但突然臨時感到膽怯而臨陣退縮。很常被用在結婚或婚禮的時候,如果新郎或新娘在婚禮之前有cold feet,也就表示他們不想結婚了
The groom got cold feet just before the wedding and he ran off.
*Be on thin ice
On thin ice 的意思是如履薄冰,形容某人身處險境,要特別謹慎小心,不一定是指肉體或涉及生命危險,也可以用來形容其他心理層面的狀況,比如說快被教授當掉。也可以用Skate on thin ice
Jackson did not turn in his assignments and missed the midterm. He is on thin ice of this class and very close to failing.
Jackson 沒有交作業也沒有參加期中考。他在這堂課的學業情況非常危險,幾乎要被當了!
*Break the ice
打破僵局、緩和氣氛的意思。剛認識的朋友常常會玩一些Ice breaker games(破冰遊戲),就是指團康小遊戲這種東西。
A friendly smile does a lot to break the ice.
*Have a snowball’s chance in hell
Mary doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of persuading her boyfriend to take her to Cuba for a vacation.
*Give somebody the cold shoulder
故意冷落某人,或是冷淡、不友善的對待某人的意思,也就是指Cold treatment 冷處理。
After Alice divorced her rich husband,all their mutual friends gave her the cold shoulder.